Career Change Resume Example & Writing Guide

This guide will show you how to create an effective career change resume and a compelling cover letter, complete with tips and examples.
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Career Change

Embarking on a new career path is both exciting and challenging, and your resume should reflect this transformative journey in the best light. This comprehensive guide aims to offer you actionable tips and expert advice for crafting a compelling career change resume.

A resume of this nature is very specific; hence, it requires a different approach than writing a normal resume. It has to highlight both your past experience and your future potential.

From selecting the right format to writing a stellar career change cover letter, we are here to help.

Whether you’re venturing into a new industry or shifting roles within the same sector, read on to make your transition as smooth as possible.

Key Takeaways

  • The best format for a career change resume is the combination format because it places an emphasis on your skills over your work experience.

  • When creating a career change resume, the focus should shift from traditional education credentials to certifications and specialties courses.

  • Honesty in a career change resume shows courage and enthusiasm about the job.

  • A cover letter can help you explain why you are changing careers and why you’re the best candidate for the job.

Pick the Right Format for Your Career Change Resume

Making a career shift requires a resume that can place an emphasis on relevant, transferrable skills more than on work experience. Out of the three most common resume formats—reverse-chronological, functional, and combination format—The best one for a career change resume is the combination format.

The combination resume format offers the best elements of both the reverse-chronological and the functional resume. It allows you to spotlight the skills pertinent to your target role, regardless of your previous professional background.

It emphasizes consistent skill development over the length of your employment. It places your skills front and center, allowing you to organize your experiences under relevant skill categories rather than listing them job by job.

Other than the format you choose, you also need to pay attention to the formatting. Proper formatting not only ensures that your resume looks clean and professional but also enhances readability. This is vital because hiring managers typically spend only a few seconds scanning each resume.

That being said, some of the formatting rules you should keep in mind are to use:

Resume Formatting Rules

  • Professional fonts like Arial or Calibri.

  • Font size of 10-12 pt for the body text.

  • 1-inch margins on all sides.

  • Single spacing within paragraphs and double spacing between sections.

How to Update Your Career Change Resume

In this section, we’ll delve into each core component of your resume, breaking down the must-haves and the nuances that could set you apart. Let’s get started!

#1. Contact Information

The contact information section of your resume is going to be the same whether you’re writing a career change resume with no experience or just some under your belt. Below is the most important information that you should make sure is on there:

Mandatory Contact Information

  • First and last name: At the top should be your full name. Refrain from using any nicknames. Middle names are optional.

  • Phone number: Add your phone number and make sure you write the correct area code, especially if you’re applying out-of-state or internationally.

  • Email Address: Use a professional email address that combines your first and last name.

  • Location: Add your city and state; there is no need to add your full address.

  • LinkedIn profile: You should only add this if your LinkedIn profile has been updated to fit your career change goals.

Here is an example of what this section should look like:

Contact Information Section Example

Samantha Williams Aspiring Software Engineer (555) 123-4567 San Francisco, California

#2. Summary/Objective

The summary/objective section of your career change resume serves as your elevator pitch to the recruiter. As the name suggests, the summary section of your resume is there to concisely showcase your professional aspirations, transferable skills, and any relevant experience you might have.

Here is an example of a summary/objective section in a career change resume:

Resume Summary/Objective Example

Detail-oriented and analytical marketing professional with 5 years of experience, looking to leverage a strong skill set in data analytics, project management, and team collaboration into a software engineering role. Proficient in Python, JavaScript, and C++.

#3. Professional Experience

Even if you don’t have a lot of work experience relevant to the position you are applying for, presenting it in the right way can help you get the job. If at all possible, you should start by mentioning past jobs that require similar hard skills as the job you are applying for.

Mention how you used these skills to accomplish certain goals, but make sure that it’s something that can showcase how you could excel in the new role.

Try to find a way to incorporate soft skills into this section as well. However, with soft skills, you have to be very specific. Try to mention the quantifiable results that these skills contributed to.

Take a look at an example of a professional experience section:

Professional Experience Section Example

Work Experience: Digital Marketing Analyst Tech Innovator Inc., San Francisco, California 09/2020 - 09/2023

  • Developed A/B testing algorithms using Python to optimize email marketing campaigns, achieving a 20% increase in open rates.

  • Used JavaScript to automate daily SEO reporting, saving 15 hours of manual work per month

Project Manager, Marketing Creative Solutions LLC, San Francisco, California 01/2018 - 08/2020

  • Implemented marketing data analytics pipelines using Python and SQL, resulting in more data-driven decision-making and a 12% increase in marketing ROI.

  • Facilitated cross-functional teams utilizing agile methodologies, which improved project delivery times by 30%.

#4. Skills Summary

In the skills summary section of your career change resume, you need to focus on two things: transferable skills and domain-specific skills.

Transferable skills are the skills you’ve gained from your past roles that you can apply to your new career. For instance, if you’re moving from marketing to software engineering, skills like Project Management or Data Analytics might be relevant.

On the other hand, Domain-specific skills are particular to the role you’re applying for. For a career change to software engineering, this could include programming languages like Python and JavaScript or frameworks like React or Angular.

With that in mind, here is an example of what your skills summary section can look like:

Skills Summary Section Example

Skills summary:

  • Data Analysis with Excel

  • Project management using Asana

  • Python programming for data scraping

  • JavaScript for front-end development

#5. Education

In the context of a career change resume, the education section often takes a back seat to skills and relevant work experience. While educational credentials are important, they may not directly correlate with the new career path you’re aiming for.

Therefore, unless your educational background has a specific bearing on your career transition, a brief mention will suffice.

For example, if you have a marketing degree and are transitioning into programming, simply list your degree, the institution, and the year of completion without going into extensive detail about coursework and academic achievements (unless they are relevant).

Here is what the education section of your resume can look like: 

Education Section Example

Education Bachelor of Marketing Management University of San Francisco, 2012-2016

#6. Optional Sections 

In a career change resume, the optional sections can sometimes carry even more weight than your formal education, especially when your previous line of work or educational background isn’t directly applicable to your new career path.

This section of the resume allows you to showcase your drive for self-improvement, adaptability, and relevant set in a more tangible way.

Here, you can list specialized certifications or licenses that make you a credible candidate for the new role. For a software engineer career change resume, certifications in specific programming languages or software can be particularly impressive.

One way of creating the optional sections is as follows:

Optional Sections Example


  • Google Analytics Certified, 2022

  • Scrum Master Certification, 2021


  • Python for Data Analysis, Udemy, 2018

  • Advanced Excel for Business, Coursera, 2021

An Example of Updated Career Change Resume

Now that you’ve gained a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in creating a career change resume, it’s time to put theory into practice. Below is an example of an updated career change resume that incorporates all the essential elements we’ve discussed.

Feel free to use it as a point of reference while creating your personal resume.

7 Tips for Crafting the Perfect Career Change Resume

The example we’ve provided can serve as a strong starting point for your career change resume. However, to maximize your chances of landing an interview, it’s a good idea to go the extra mile. Here are some tips that can help you do this:

Career Change Resume Tips

#1. Be Honest

If you’re changing careers, you’re already at a disadvantage in terms of industry-specific experience. There’s no reason to make this worse by being dishonest on your resume. Doing so not only jeopardizes your credibility but also risks undermining the trust that potential employers might have in you.

That being said, you may be surprised to learn that many companies highly value honesty. Seeking a career change without a wealth of relevant experience is a courageous move. It demonstrated your willingness to step outside your comfort zone.

Moreover, it shows that you genuinely believe you’re capable of handling the new role. Honesty reveals self-awareness as well as ambition and commitment.

#2. Use Keywords

These days, most companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), a system that helps them find relevant applications via specific keywords. For this reason, incorporating relevant keywords into your resume is a must.

These keywords will ensure that your resume will pass the initial screening and land on the hiring manager's desk.

That said, the best way to figure out which keywords you should include in your resume is to carefully look over the job description. This can include technical skills, industry-specific jargon, or particular qualifications.

#3. Proofread Your Resume

Errors in spelling, grammar, or formatting may seem like minor issues, but they can outright disqualify your application. That is why it’s important to proofread your resume thoroughly. Go through it multiple times if necessary.

Another thing you should do is have someone else read the text for you. Fresh eyes can often spot things you miss, even after multiple reads. In addition to that, you should also use spell-check tools, which will catch almost all inconsistencies with grammar and punctuation.

#4. Leverage Social Proof

If you have testimonials, references, or LinkedIn recommendations that vouch for your skills and qualifications, consider including them. This doesn’t have to take up a lot of space; consider including brief snippets in your resume or cover letter.

Including social proof in your resume gives potential employers a more rounded view of you as a candidate, especially if you don’t have traditional qualifications.

#5. Highlight Continuous Learning

Given that you are changing careers, showing a commitment to continuous learning is going to indicate to the hiring manager that you are serious and dedicated.

Whether it’s a night class, an online course, or even a relevant book you’ve read, showing that you are proactive about your development can make you a more appealing candidate.

#6. Tailor Each Application

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all application. In order to ensure the highest quality, you should customize your resume and cover letter for each job application.

While it’s unlikely that a company will know if you’ve used the same resume elsewhere, they will definitely notice if your resume lacks specific detail.

To tailor your resume effectively, start by carefully reviewing the job description to understand the terminology they are using. Once you have done that, you can adjust your resume to echo this language.

To go a step further, research the company to get details about the company’s culture and goals and make your application and cover letter even more compelling.

#7. Emphasize Soft Skills

Leadership, communication, and problem-solving are valuable in nearly every profession. Emphasizing soft skills can help make up for a lack of industry-specific experience.

However, it’s not enough to just mention these skills in passing, as many people do; you have to be specific.

Use concrete examples to show how you’ve used these skills in your previous roles to achieve results and how you can transfer them to the new position.

How to Compose a Career Change Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter is just as important as the resume you are sending, if not more. Here, you get the chance to expand on your resume and explain why you are the best fit for the job, even if you have a varied professional background.

Career Change Cover Letter Writting Tips

  • Start by addressing the hiring manager directly. In the heading and the first paragraph, introduce yourself and specify the role you’re applying for. In the following paragraphs, discuss your transferable skills, relevant coursework, and other qualifications that make you an excellent candidate.

  • Explain any relevant projects to which you have contributed with your transferable skills, and quantify the results if possible to help the hiring manager understand the impact of your work.

  • Mention why you’re making a career change and why you’re particularly interested in this role at the company. This will add a personal touch and show that you’re not just looking for any job but that you’re genuinely enthusiastic about the role.

  • Finish the cover letter by expressing your eagerness for a job interview and an official sign-off.

A well-crafted cover letter can set you apart in a sea of candidates with more experience in the field. Therefore, spend as much time on it as you do on your resume to maximize your chances of landing the job.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it! You’re now fully equipped to craft a compelling career change resume that showcases your transferable skills and overall potential. Consider this article your go-to roadmap.

Remember, making a career change is more than just a transition; it’s a courageous step toward fulfilling your professional aspiration.

As you set out on this exciting new journey, remember that the right opportunity is out there waiting for you. With your newly mining resume in hand, you’re more prepared than ever to seize it.

Best wishes as you navigate this transformative phase in your career.

Isabelle Dupont
Isabelle Dupont
Content Writer & Editor
Isabelle Dupont is from Portland, but she now lives and works in sunny San Diego. She is a content writer and editor for She loves casual Fridays and carefree days spent on the beach and has been writing for several years now. Whether it’s creating content or fixing it up, she’s always on point and makes sure no stone is left unturned. In her free time, Isa loves to immerse herself in fantasy novels, go on long hikes, and spend time with her friends and family.

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